Student Success Goals

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Achievement Goal 1

Increase annual FTES by 1% over the previous year

Enrollment Data*

*Select “Enrollments” to review the College’s success at meeting this Achievement Goal.

Achievement Goal 2

The College will achieve a graduation rate of 32%.

Graduation Rates

Achievement Goal 3

Increase the number of awards granted by 1% over previous year

Awards Data**
**Select “Completions” to review the College’s success at meeting this Achievement Goal.

Achievement Goal 4

The College’s Fall-to-Spring Overall Retention Rate will increase to 70% and the Fall-to-Spring Retention Rates for first-time, curricular students will increase to 75% by 2015.

Fall-to-Fall Retention Rates

Fall-to-Spring Retention Rates

Achievement Goal 5

The transfer rates to four-year institutions will be at or above the VCCS average

Transfer Rates